Classical Acupuncture is an effective and unique system of medicine that has been used for centuries to diagnose and treat the root cause of disease. Unique to classical acupuncture is the integration of treating the individual on the levels of body, mind and spirit. As important as treating the pathology is the concept of “strengthening the interior” or as I say “stepping into your own shoes.” As we become more rooted in our own nature we are more resilient to pathological forces on both a physical and emotional level. It is a gift to feel ones inner vitality shine forth.

to the point

Acupuncture needles are thin sterile needles that are used to stimulate the flow of qi within the meridian system. Loosely translated as energy, qi is the substance that all the universe is formed from. Acupuncture points are small areas where we can access and influence the flow of qi.


Natural light and a calm atmosphere help create the perfect environment for acupuncture treatments.