
Carole Barrer's Artwork

Carole has a lifelong engagement in the arts that encompasses a variety of expressions concerning nature and the human condition.  She was born in New York City and has a Masters of Education.  She is currently the Seattle Foundation Liaison and has served as President for Women Painters of Washington in the past. Carole's art has received regional and national recognition. It is published in the book, “Enduring Legacy”. Her work is included in the Seattle Public Utilities Portable Works Collection as well as private collections throughout the U.S.

Carole's work is meant to evoke a sense of natural phenomena by the interplay of color and texture. It allows viewers to bring their own unique experience to the work. Carole finds that the nature of movement provides for infinite exploration…it is a constant in my work. Each painting evolves as a conversation between the elements within the piece. The various tones are created through surface development. There is usually an additive and reductive process that goes into the work. Color and textures are applied and then burnished to enhance the particular sense of space.
